(Rememeber It’s Okay To Be A Kid Again)
R.I.OT.B.A.K.A. was approached by creating something that brings back nostalgic memories of playing gameboy color as a kid. Can it play all those games back then? No but it can sound like it.
In terms of what category of effects this falls under, we can say bitcrush (some could say ringmod) but without the fuzz/distortion/drive that is a lot of times mixed in. The bit effect is achieved by colliding two timer chips into one another and controlling the oscillator collision level by blending the effect in with your dry signal. You can have a little to nothing but bit from it. Along with it, you can change the character from 2 different degraded to 2 tremolo style effects. Joystick controls the frequency and character of the effect.
When looking at the DSD line, you could say this is the oddball of the bunch. However, with how well it pairs with others, it’ll fit right in.
It’s a funny thing looking back on how this was planned since 2018 when DSD first started but kept putting it back on the backlog shelf.
I’m glad it’s here now.
This will be a limited release.
Two etch styles of every primary finish of Gameboy Colors that were released in the 90’s.
(Rememeber It’s Okay To Be A Kid Again)
R.I.OT.B.A.K.A. was approached by creating something that brings back nostalgic memories of playing gameboy color as a kid. Can it play all those games back then? No but it can sound like it.
In terms of what category of effects this falls under, we can say bitcrush (some could say ringmod) but without the fuzz/distortion/drive that is a lot of times mixed in. The bit effect is achieved by colliding two timer chips into one another and controlling the oscillator collision level by blending the effect in with your dry signal. You can have a little to nothing but bit from it. Along with it, you can change the character from 2 different degraded to 2 tremolo style effects. Joystick controls the frequency and character of the effect.
When looking at the DSD line, you could say this is the oddball of the bunch. However, with how well it pairs with others, it’ll fit right in.
It’s a funny thing looking back on how this was planned since 2018 when DSD first started but kept putting it back on the backlog shelf.
I’m glad it’s here now.
This will be a limited release.
Two etch styles of every primary finish of Gameboy Colors that were released in the 90’s.
(Rememeber It’s Okay To Be A Kid Again)
R.I.OT.B.A.K.A. was approached by creating something that brings back nostalgic memories of playing gameboy color as a kid. Can it play all those games back then? No but it can sound like it.
In terms of what category of effects this falls under, we can say bitcrush (some could say ringmod) but without the fuzz/distortion/drive that is a lot of times mixed in. The bit effect is achieved by colliding two timer chips into one another and controlling the oscillator collision level by blending the effect in with your dry signal. You can have a little to nothing but bit from it. Along with it, you can change the character from 2 different degraded to 2 tremolo style effects. Joystick controls the frequency and character of the effect.
When looking at the DSD line, you could say this is the oddball of the bunch. However, with how well it pairs with others, it’ll fit right in.
It’s a funny thing looking back on how this was planned since 2018 when DSD first started but kept putting it back on the backlog shelf.
I’m glad it’s here now.
This will be a limited release.
Two etch styles of every primary finish of Gameboy Colors that were released in the 90’s.
Turns the effect on and off. LED indicates whether Bypass is on or off.
Controls overall frequency of bit and depending on rotary position, controls degradation or tremolo effect.
Blend (Top)
Blends Dry/Wet signal
Bottom - Rotary
The rotary knob switches between 4 different character settings of the bit effect.
Position 1: Degraded character
Position 2: Degraded character
Position 3: Tremolo/Rate
Position 4: Tremolo/Rate